(Note: this page is intended for Christians; if you are not a Christian then you are free to read but this page is not necessarily intended for you)
Ah! the fall leaves and the cooler breeze nothing besides spring could a more noticeable change in the temperament climate in the Northern hemisphere:
when summer disappears and winter is coming, the trees shed their leaves and fall harvest begins of apples, gourds, corns, and/or pumpkins. For those who live in some English-speaking nations (and other western nations) the middle of the fall season represents a celebration of its own: This celebration is called Halloween.
Halloween is a unique Holiday dedicated to all things dark, frightening, horrible and even evil and often features/celebrates some very traditional dark mystical/scary creatures: like Vampires, mummies, zombies, ghosts, witches, werewolves, dragons and many other evil and scary monsters. It’s mainly a day for children to go trick or treating (at all that’s even in hopes of getting some candy) and for teens/adults to have a party and especially to experience some thrills from all things evil, dark, and scary.
As people in many English-speaking nations (and other western nations) prepare for this dark day (or night) of fun during the month of October, there is something every Christian (and especially Halloween celebrating Christians) should ask themselves about Halloween:
“Should I be celebrating Halloween?”
So, should you be celebrating Halloween?
At first this might seem like a strange question for a Christian to ask; why question celebrating or not celebrating a simple holiday? It’s just for fun, it's no big deal. Many Christians might wonder at first.
But if we as Christians are really trying to live a life that will please King Jesus/God, then we ought to seriously consider everything we do in our lives:
God through his servant Paul advises us to do this: we are to seriously question and test everything we encounter in our lives and only accept what God would approve of (what is good):
1 Thessalonians 5:21
“Test all things; hold fast [to] what is good”
That would especially include seriously considering what holidays we choose to celebrate (and really what we ultimately approve of/endorse: that’s very important to consider!)
This is why all Christians need to question:
Are we supporting what Jesus/God would support by celebrating this holiday? Are we really living like Jesus would by celebrating it? And most importantly, are Jesus and God okay with us celebrating this holiday?
All these questions are exactly the reason why you should seriously question celebrating Halloween.
So, the very first thing we should ask is:
what exactly does Halloween celebrate?
A holiday is a special day (or group of days) set aside on our calendar to honor or celebrate something [1].
If this is true, then what is Halloween set aside to honor? What is this day paying respect to? Besides fun at night what do you really honor in Halloween festivities and fun?
In order to truly find that out, we need to know how Halloween got started; so where did this dark holiday come from?
The origins of Halloween
The holiday of Halloween began as an Ancient Celtic holiday called “Samhain” (pronounced "sah-weein") which means in Celtic "Summer's End". Samhain was a one of the most sacred celebrations of The Ancient Celtic holidays: this was because when Summer ended and fall began to slowly turn into winter (around October 31st or so in Northern Europe; where the ancient Celts lived) The Celts believed this was a sign that the veil between the physical world and spiritual world was at its thinnest and that The god of this spirit world (also known as the Celtic god of death: Also Called Samhain) would allow the spirits of the dead in his realm to travel back to the physical realm to see their old homes and loved ones (and do whatever else they wanted to do). At this time many Celts believed spirits of all types (both the ghosts of their dead family members/friends and other [mostly evil] spirits like Faries) would come into their villages to see them and their homes: so, they believed these unseen ghosts should be honored as well as the ‘sacred’ god of Death ‘Samhain’ with a special feast and sacrifices of their produce, animals, and even humans/themselves!
Because of this major event in both the natural world and spiritual world Celts believed this also marked the beginning of a new year: so along with being a sacred day of honoring both spirits and their god of death, it was also considered New Year’s Eve as well [2].
The Celtic nations continued to celebrate ancient Samhain until The Roman Catholic church (tried) banning many of the horrific rituals of Samhain in the Celtic nations (like blood sacrifices, murder, and practice of witchcraft) but still allowed the celebration of Samhain with only the “good” parts (like bonfires, food offerings, and jack-o-lanterns):
In turn Samhain became less 'evil' and 'sinful' over the next centuries by the public banning the old evil traditions of Samhain like Blood sacrifices, worshiping the Celtic God of death Samhain, and practicing witchcraft. But the 'good' parts acceptable to the catholic church remained publicly acceptable for the celebration of Halloween: like making Jack-O-Lanterns, wearing scary costumes made of straw or animal skins, and even speaking to their dead relatives and leaving food offerings for them.
The Catholic church even tried to replace Samhain completely with a similar “Christian” holiday they began to celebrate called ‘All Saints Day’ and 'All souls day' , which was a day dedicated to remembering, honoring, giving offerings to, and praying to all the dead Saint’s spirits of the Catholic Church. While All Saints Day became very popular in many Celtic nations (or former Celtic nations that remain traditionally catholic like France or Spain) this did not necessarily stop the original celebration of Samhain (now at this time called “All Hallows Eve” meaning ‘Holy evening’) that remained especially very popular in the nations of the British Isles. Eventually in the 1700’s “All Hallows Eve” was shorten to “Halloween” and the ‘good’ parts that were publicly kept turned into the modern traditions of Halloween [2].
So, knowing the origin of Halloween, we can clearly see Halloween was originally a very dark wicked holiday not only celebrating/honoring a pagan god but honoring a god representing death and honoring/celebrating spirits of ‘dead humans’ along with practicing witchcraft and other horrors (like murder in sacrifices).
Now that you understand where Halloween came from and what it originally was celebrating, now it’s time to seriously ask:
Knowing what you have seen above, would Jesus (or God) be okay with you celebrating a holiday that is dedicated to honoring a pagan god of death and spirits of the dead?
Well, seeing how God forbids worshiping/honoring any other gods besides him:
Exodus 20:3
“Do not worship any god except for me.”
calls communicating with spirits of the ‘dead’ detestable/disgusting (that's what he calls a medium and spiritist: that is a person that communicates/interacts with familiar/dead spirits):
Deuteronomy 18:10-12
"...[those who]... [are] a medium or spiritist or who consult the dead. [are]...detestable to the Lord;..."
and also thinks any form of witchcraft is also detestable/disgusting (a common practice of druids [the high priest of the ancient Celts] on Halloween night):
Deuteronomy 18:10-12
"...[those who]... practice divination or sorcery, interpret omens, engage in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consult the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord;..."
And along with all this, God clearly forbids the murder of humans (as supported by Halloween's human sacrifices).
Exodus 20:13
“Do not murder.”
We can conclude that Jesus and God would definitely be against the holiday of Halloween and everything it honors and celebrates! Therefore, it's not appropriate for a Christian to celebrate Halloween, and therefore we should definitely not be celebrating Halloween!
However, before we jump to a final conclusion, some Christians might object to this, saying:
“Why that was horrible what those ancient pagan people did and honored, modern people who celebrate Halloween don’t do that:
modern Halloween is not about worshiping a pagan god, practicing witchcraft, or even thinking dead spirits come back to our houses anymore; it's now about having a little fun dressing up and getting some treats.”
Why it's true Halloween originally began as a very dark holiday dedicated to honoring a pagan god and spirits, it's also true to note that Halloween has also changed in what it celebrates and honors:
Today no one really worships the Celtic god of death or really focuses on spirits of dead friends/relatives coming back to earth to visit them or even sacrificing to them. Instead, it's now about having some ‘dark’ fun dressing up while trying to get some candy or other Halloween treats.
While for many who celebrate Halloween, this is the case, at the same time it's still not completely true that no one celebrates Halloween like the ancient pagan Celts originally did. There are modern witches/wizards, occultists (modern [Celtic] pagans), and Satanists who celebrate Halloween almost exactly like the Ancient Celtic pagans did for almost the exact same reasons:
They celebrate it not for dressing up and having some ‘dark’ fun to get candy or other treats; no, they celebrate Halloween seriously because this holiday (just like the ancient Celts) is considered their most sacred holiday because it's when the veil between the spiritual and physical worlds is at its thinnest so they acknowledge the presents of the spirits of the dead visiting their home/ other spirits and as a result many on Halloween night try to contact the dead, cast spells and put a hex/curse on others, and some even actually have blood sacrifices on this night to spirits they follow(mostly involving animals but possibly even some actual human sacrifices!) along with a bunch of other disgusting acts.[3].
So, while many Christians (and others) celebrate Halloween “the safe and fun modern way”, know there are some people out there that take Halloween very seriously as a time to interact and honor these spirits and do many of the wicked, perverted, and now straight up illegal practices the ancient Celts did!
And by the way, many spells, curses, and hexes these people cast on Halloween are mainly to curse, hinder, and even hurt Christians and our churches [3]!!
Considering all this happens every year on Halloween, even though you yourself would not celebrate Halloween like a witch, pagan, or Satanist, would you as a Christian still feel comfortable celebrating Halloween knowing you are celebrating the same holiday these people do? and while your celebrating your ‘safe and fun’ version of Halloween, they are out practicing witchcraft, talking to evil spirits, sacrificing animals (and possibly even humans), and even trying to curse you and your church family with spells.
Would you honestly still be okay celebrating Halloween while these evil people are doing these wicked and sick things to hurt you and your family?
Hopefully you would say no like any reasonable Christian would, And Jesus and God would absolutely agree with you:
because even if these evil people were not out to curse you or the church or were not even sacrificing animals to evil spirits The Bible reveals it’s God’s will that his people do not participate in activities that involve honoring spirits (called Demons here) that especially pagans, and witches participate in:
1 Corinthians 10:20-21
“...the sacrifices (honor) of pagans are offered to demons,…and I do not want you to be participants with demons. You cannot drink the cup of the Lord (follow Jesus/God) and the cup of demons too (and also get involved with honoring evil spirits)…”
So once again, if your celebrating Halloween (even in the ‘fun and harmless way’) know you are celebrating a day along with witches/wizards, pagans, and satanist and are thus indirectly participating in honoring evil demonic spirits (not even considering the fact you're also supporting a holiday on which these people practice witchcraft, blood sacrifices, and even try to mount direct attacks on you and your Church!)
So obviously, even if Halloween has mainly changed from what it celebrates, the fact alone that evil people against God’s church celebrate evil spirits that are also against his church should be a good enough sign that Christians definitely should not be celebrated Halloween at all! (Even if it's “the safe and fun way” of celebrating).
However even after knowing all this, still some Christians might argue “Why that’s terrible what some people do on Halloween night and definitively should not be supported, I don’t see nothing wrong with having nothing to do with all that evil and just celebrating by dressing up, going trick-or-treating, or having a decent party: would God still be against me celebrating Halloween even if I wanted nothing to do with those evil people or honoring demonic spirits and just wanted to celebrate by dressing up and having a good time? ”
Why this reasoning is very flawed (whether you like it or not you are still participating in a wicked holiday along with evil people that began as and is still for many about honoring demonic spirits) we will go along with this argument and just forget about all that for a second:
So, forget about the horrible origins of Halloween and the evil practices that evolved into our modern Halloween practices
Even forget about all the wicked people that still do all these evil things to honor evil spirits
Let’s just focus on what mainly Halloween is about for most people who celebrate it today:
dressing up, getting some treats, and having a good time!
Well even all that set aside, there are plenty of things horribly wrong with even just celebrating the “safe and fun” version of modern mainstream Halloween:
The costumes
For one, something is horrible wrong with many of the costumes commonly sold and wore for Halloween: just go into any store (or even website) that sells Halloween costumes and you will hopefully see the problem:
You will most likely see costumes of horrible creatures (that are popular on Halloween as mentioned above earlier) like ghost, devils, vampires, zombies/mummies, werewolves, grim-reapers, and even murders for children and adults alike to wear.
Now do you think God would approve of you (and possibly your child/ren) dressing up in one of these evil/scary looking costumes and even pretending to be one of these monster/murderers for a night?
Why the Bible does not truly say (God never addressees his people dressing up in a costume) we can get a pretty good hint of what he thinks in looking at the evil nature of these costumes through his servant Paul:
1 Thessalonians 5:22
“Abstain from every form of evil.”
3 John 1:11
“...do not imitate what is evil…”
So, would God approve? Considering these verses absolutely NOT!
And that’s not all that is wrong with many Halloween costumes! because for the girls/women there are many “sexy” versions of costumes to choose from (and by “sexy” I mean very revealing or hardly any clothes) that clearly expose most of the thighs, butt, boobs of girls/women to make them look “sexy”.
You might be wondering why this might be wrong (especially if you are a girl/woman planning on wearing this type of costume for this Halloween) Well to answer that you should know what God think of his daughters (possibly you) wearing such “sexy” clothing for one night?
God reveals through his servant Paul that he does not like his daughters dressing in revealing “Sexy” clothing because he wants them to dress modestly:
1 Timothy 2:9
"I...want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety (proper),..."
So obviously God does not approve of his daughters wearing sexy costumes (or any sexy clothes at that) so the costumes alone are very wrong and offensive to God
But many Christians would also object to this by saying “I don’t wear those types of evil Halloween costumes only innocent, nice and decent costumes for me and my family.”
While there are plenty of monstrous and inappropriate Halloween costumes it’s also important to note that there are many nice and appropriate costumes to choose from as well. Many Christians usually only choose to wear only modest costumes representing non-monstrous/non-sexy things like a cute princess or a cowboy that seems completely appropriate to wear and pretend to be for one night.
So even ignoring all the evil and inappropriate costumes if you do choose to keep it modest and only wear decent appropriate costumes does this still make it okay to celebrate Halloween? Why the costumes might be okay, the actual mainstream celebration of Halloween still isn’t!
The actual celebrating of Halloween
The actual celebration of Halloween is where the main problem is:
even in this modern “safe and fun” Halloween how many people celebrate it and even what they still celebrate on it is still a major problem.
Children mainly celebrate by going “Trick-or-Treating”: that is going in a neighborhood knocking at every door and saying “Trick-or-Treat” to whoever answers the door and holing out their candy bags in expectation of the Halloween candy they are about to receive and (almost always) receive some sweet candies in their candy bags before going to the next neighbor’s house to do the same thing.
Why all this may seem okay and innocent, there is one thing in particular that’s not good (that you might not even notice it, because you have heard it said for so long.)
It’s in the very words' kids chant: “Trick-or-Treat”
Many kids (and adults) don’t realize this, but when they say these words to people who open the door, they are really threatening them to give them candy!
Because they are basically saying, with this phrase, if the person that opened the door does not give them any candy, they will punish them by giving them a “trick” because they did not give them a treat, this “trick” usually involves illegally vandalizing their house by throwing raw eggs at the house or draping toilet paper on their yard (or some other very mean, illegal, or possibly dangerous prank to get them back). why many Christian parents would not dare tell their children to vandalize someone’s house or pull a mean prank on someone for just not giving them candy (or many children would not really ever think about doing this) this is basically what a child is saying and even being indirectly taught to do wherever they realize it or not! But some Children actually do take this phrase seriously and actually do mean “tricks” on those who don’t give them candy [4].
Do you think God would think letting kids (possibly your kids) say “trick-or-treat”, even if it they didn’t mean it, and indirectly teaching them/suggesting to them through this phrase that it's okay to pull a trick on someone that didn’t give them candy?
Considering he wants us to treat our worst enemies who hate us with love and respect:
Matthew 5:43-49
“love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,..."
Teaching Children to Pull an illegal trick on someone just for not giving then some candy (or even suggesting it through a phrase) would most likely NOT be okay with God!
But that’s not even the worst ways Halloween is celebrated!
For Teens and Adults, they often dress up and go to Halloween parties at night with other adults dressed up in costumes and are entertained by many dark, scary, and horrible things:
Some common entertainment for Halloween night includes watching horror movies (which are movies dedicated to trying to scare or terrify the viewer: most often with monsters or haunted houses: the perfect move genera for Halloween).
Not only does this mock real hauntings caused by demonic spirits but it encourages fear, paranoia, and terror for those watching it and gets into your mind (even for the ‘bravest’ person watching!)
Other entertainment includes going to haunted houses, going to scary/haunted locations, getting into trouble, and even trying to dabble in the occult and contact spirits!
While this does not happen at every party on Halloween it shows what else it wrong with many Halloween celebrations:
Notice All the traditional entertainment of Halloween is filled with horror, evil and demonic things: all things that God definitely does not approve of!
So even celebrating Halloween the “nice and safe” modern way is filled with problems.
So some Christians might even say to all this “Okay, many things are wrong with Halloween celebrations, but if I am careful with how I dress up and how/where I (and possibly my family) celebrate by only doing non-demonic activities while also having some fun, it is now finally okay with God to celebrate?”
Why you could dress up in nice and modest costumes, not go out Trick-or-Treating but instead go Trunk-or-Treating instead (a ‘safe’ Christian alternative to Trick-or-Treating) and you could have a safe and fun Halloween party filled with non-horrific and non-demonic entertainment (and try to call it something else besides Halloween like a “hallelujah night” or a “fall festival” to try to completely detach from celebration from Halloween entirely), this still does not change what modern Halloween celebrates/honors.
It might be true that modern Halloween is really no longer about worshiping the Pagan Celtic God of Death nor really about honoring the spirts of the ‘dead’ returning back to their homes, but the things that modern Halloween celebrates are equally as evil and bad!
As said above, Holidays are all about setting a special day (or days) aside on our calendars to honor something or someone (whenever that be an event, a person, an idea, a god etc.) So, if this is true, and modern Halloween no longer celebrates these things, then what exactly does modern Halloween celebrate?
Modern Halloween celebrates all things dark, horrific, and evil:
it celebrates all types of horrible dark things like ghosts, vampires, serial killers, demons, witches, zombies and body parts. But most of all it celebrates death and what causes it (like mass murderers and murdering monsters):
If the bones, blood, guts, skeletons, tombstones, monsters, and all other decorations commonly seen at Halloween didn’t give it away then here it is as plain as it can be said:
Modern Halloween is ultimately a celebration of death, fear and evil plain and simple!
True, modern Halloween today is not necessarily worshiping a pagan god of death but it's still worshiping the very nature of death!
So, if this is truly what Halloween is really all about, how would God feel about his children participating in a holiday celebrating death, fear, and evil?
Considering death is God’s punishment as a curse on humanity’s sin, and he also states death is an enemy to him:
1 Corinthians 15:26
"The...enemy [of God and Jesus] ...is death."
And also hates evil (called here wickedness):
Psalm 5:4-6
“...you are not a God who is pleased with wickedness..."
He would not want his children celebrating such horrible things!
God obviously does NOT WANT his children celebrating such a holiday! He most likely sees Halloween as a horrible, evil, disgusting holiday!
So even if you celebrate Halloween in the ‘safest’ way possible: dress up in a nice non-evil costume, go trunk-or-treating instead of trick-or-treating, or even have a party with no demonic or dark entertainment involved, don’t fool yourself:
If you are celebrating Halloween, you are automatically celebrating Death and evil period! No matter how ‘non-demonic’ or ‘safe’ the celebrating is: you cannot truly escape or separate what modern Halloween honors!
And that’s not considering all the other things wrong with Halloween that we just pushed aside:
Like the horrific origins of Halloween celebrating spirits and a pagan god of death with blood sacrifices and witchcraft rituals that have been partially kept in many modern Halloween rituals.
And that it’s still celebrated like this today by many witches, pagans and satanists who do witchcraft and blood sacrifices some of it in order to curse us!
And even with this very long list of what’s wrong there are still other things to consider with what’s wrong with Halloween!
Like all the crime that is encouraged around and on Halloween
Along with vandalism that is encouraged with “trick-or-treating” there are many other crimes that are encouraged on Halloween: like kidnapping, animal abuse, child abuse, sexual abuse, and even encouraging tainting trick-or-treating candy with dangerous items or drugs!
Yes, you heard that right:
Some people on this day have been known to stick sharp objects and even dangerous/hallucinogenic drugs into candy then later give it to trick-or-treating children in hopes they (or their parents) will not notice it has been tainted with and eat it and either get horribly cut in the mouth (or esophagus or even whole digestive system) or get drugged (or even killed!) by the dangerous/hallucinogenic drugs they put in it [5]!
Once again, another thing horribly wrong with trick-or-treating: the very thing many children really want out of Halloween is also not safe and might even kill them! How sick!
While many might make the argument that many people that give out candy do not try to taint it with deadly things and the odds of actually getting a candy tainted with a dangerous object or drug are very slim and therefore it’s pretty safe to go trick-or-treating [6] might sound good at first but just think about that for a second:
What if the same thing happened in a fast-food restaurant or popular food company: like McDonald’s or Coco-cola? What if 99% of all their products were safe but only a mesely 1% was filled with poison? Would you still feel pretty safe about eating at McDonald’s or drinking a coco-cola product? Even if the odds would be very slim that it would be you that would receive the poisoned product?
Would you still take the risk? If this were to happen, many people would absolutely not take that risk! Even 1% is still too much of a risk because someone is bound to get that 1% and be poisoned!
So why would anyone want their children to take that risk just to get some sugary candy?
Why many people are shocked and horrified such acts are committed on Halloween night (especially to harm their own children) considering what Halloween honors and it’s dark and evil origins it’s no wonder people do such disgusting acts of crime on Halloween:
That’s what Halloween is all about: celebrating death and evil as a Christian Halloween pamphlet notes:
“Who hasn’t read horror stories in the newspaper at that time of year of the children coming home with a razor blade in their apple or hallucinogenic drug in their candy? And these received from a supposedly “nice” neighbor? Knowing the background (origin/nature) of this celebration throws quite a bit of light on this subject.”[7]
You might be wondering how Halloween could possibly get any worse than this: but sadly, there is one more thing that truly should make it the worst thing of all for a Christian:
Halloween is Satan’s holy night:
Considering how the spirit world thinks of Halloween and treats it
If you are a Christian, you should believe the whole entire Bible and what it says completely, and if you do then you should believe there really is a ‘spirit world’ that usually is not seen by humans:
what I mean by ‘spirit world’ is that according to what the Bible says totally about this subject, they're really is another realm (usually called the third heaven in the Bible: what strongly might be considered in today's understanding a whole other dimension) where God and other spirits (such as Angels) most likely originally come from and some of these spirit creatures seem to choose (or have been forced) to live on Planet Earth beside Humans and animals.
Since these spirits seem to be invisible to the human eye many of these spirit creatures that live on planet Earth are usually not seen by most humans (except on certain occasions in some visions).
The Bible further reveals that most spirits that live on Earth are evil spirits like Demons and Satan (usually considered a spirit: specifically, a fallen angel).
Like discussed above, Halloween is supposed to be a time where the veil between the ‘spirit world’ and physical world is at is thinnest and a time where the spirits that ‘come out’ from the other side of this veil from their world and are to be entertained and honored by humans:
especially the god of Death himself is supposed to be honored.
If this is true and considering what the Bible reveals about spirits being very real and even present on earth:
what spirits do you think these ancient Celts were really trying to honor?
The main ones present on Earth are the evil spirits of demons and Satan himself! Could it be that this holiday was really started to acknowledge and honor Satan and his demons? According to the Bible, it is not only very possible but most likely what really happened!
Wherever or not they fully understood what they were honoring (most likely they did not completely understand) the Celts and their leading Druids were really honoring, cooperating, and even talking to Demonic evil spirits!
And what about the main god of death that was said to allow these spirits out from “the spirit world”? Could this be an indirect representation/reference to Satan himself? Also, very likely!
Satan technically is “the god of death” anyways
he is the one that tricked Eve into eating the forbidden fruit to cause both her and her husband and all their descendants to fall under the curse of death! And not only that, but he also still causes all types of deaths to humans and animals alike since that time!
So Halloween began as a holiday to honor none other than Satan and his demons. Satan and his demons would most likely also acknowledge this holiday and would be pleased that a holiday was set up to honor him and his demons by having offerings and blood sacrifices of all types to them. They would most likely honor this by “playing along” by speaking to them and helping them to perform spells and accept sacrifices to them.
If all this is very true (and it seems to be) do you think Satan and his demons would forget modern Halloween just because most people who celebrate it have forgotten what it was about?
According to many former witches and wizards who had direct contact with Satan and his demons, he has obviously not forgotten that Halloween is a holiday dedicated to him and demons and it is a sacred day to him and for his witches and wizards who directly follow him to talk to him/demons, cast spells and hexes, and give him and his demons blood sacrifices [8]!
So wherever modern people who celebrate Halloween in many English-speaking (and western) nations or not realize it: There is strong evidence that Satan and other evil spirits still consider Halloween their holiday to honor them!
And considering the very dark nature of Halloween and all the crimes and wicked things that go on in this night, it’s no surprise that Satan considers Halloween a sacred day (or really night) of honor for him and all he stands for this time of year (like witchcraft, magic, fear, horror, evil, and especially death).
Considering all this, Halloween was and is really Satan’s holy evening: probably the unholiest time/holiday of the year!
So while most humans do not really recognize Halloween as Satan’s copyrighted holiday (seriously anyways), God, Jesus, angles, and demons alike would most certainly recognize if Satan claimed Halloween as his own personal holiday (and rightfully so because it was always a holiday dedicated to him).
If you know anything of how Jesus and God feel about Satan according to the Bible, you should know that they consider Satan as their enemy that they are fighting against.
Matthew 13:39
“...the enemy…is the devil.”
In fact, this is the main reason God sent Jesus to be born on Earth; to destroy Satan’s plans:
1 John 3:8
“The reason the Son of God appeared (came to Earth) was to destroy the devil’s work.”
And by the way, as Christians who are trying to become more like king Jesus and stand for what God stands for, are also considered enemies of Satan:
1 Peter 5:8
“...Your enemy the devil…”
So, if we as Christians are enemies of Satan how inappropriate would it be for us to go celebrate our enemies most holy holiday?
It would be as inappropriate as Jesus himself coming down from heaven and going to a witches coven to give his life to Satan, become demonically possessed, cast spells on people and perform blood sacrifice in worship to demons and Satan. How messed up and sick would that be?!
But yet millions of Christians do the same equivalent of that on every Halloween by celebrating the holiday of their enemy Satan! (Once again, no matter how non-demonic, innocent, or nice the Halloween celebration is)
Jesus and God would most likely see a Christian celebrating Halloween as treason and hypocrites cheating on him for that night.
In conclusion, Halloween at its core was, is, and always will be a holiday honoring witchcraft, magic, horror, evil, death, and especially evil spirits: all things that that are the complete opposite of what God/Jesus are for and that Christians should have nothing to do with! For all the reasons covered above: There are so many things wrong with Halloween on so many different levels that it might easily be the most wicked and satanic holiday ever to exist.
And you as a Christian should not ignore it! So, to answer the original question:
No, a Christian should absolutely NOT celebrate Halloween in any way and have nothing to do with it; no doubt about it.
It’s an unholy, abominable, disgusting, horrible, celebration made to honor and glorify God’s enemy and everything wrong with God’s creation and you have clearly seen a lot of Biblical evidence that Jesus and God consider Halloween a disgusting abomination of a holiday.
If you are a Christian who has celebrated Halloween in the past or plans on celebrating Halloween in the future I hope after reading all this, you have officially decided to not celebrate Halloween anymore. If you have, you need to now make it official and repent to God by telling him in prayer that your sorry for sinning against him by celebrating this evil holiday of your enemy (even if that was not your intention and you did it out of ignorance) and that from now on your will never celebrate it ever again and have nothing to do with it.
Halloween as a night of prayer and fasting for Christians:
The Night of Light/Fight (by prayer)
If a Christian should do anything for Halloween night, it should be fighting back against all the evil, crime, spells and curses on this night of our enemy as a night of prayer and fasting. This night is far too serious to just simply ignore we as Christians need to fight back in prayer and fasting if possible: we as enemies of Satan and his kingdom of darkness on Earth need to be on the battlefield this night to fight back against Satan's holy day. No, it might not be nowhere as fun as dressing up in a costume, decorating, and getting candy but it's worth it to do the will of our father and king Jesus and who knows, some life might even be saved on this night because of our praying and fasting!
[A] Wikipedia "Holiday"
[B] Merriam-Webster "Holiday"
[A] CBS News “The Irish cave known as the entrance onto hell — and the birthplace of Halloween” by Ian Lee 10/31/2021
[B] Merriam-Webster “Halloween”
[D] Newgrange.com “Samhain (Samain) - The Celtic roots of Halloween”
[F] History.com “Halloween 2021” By History.com Editors A&E Television Networks on November 18, 2009
[G] Last Trumpet Ministries International “Halloween and the Forces of Darkness”
[A] (This is a website telling modern [Celtic] pagans (also called wiccans) how to properly celebrate Halloween: even calling it by its original Celtic name Samhain)
Circle Sanctuary “Celebrating Samhain” by Selena Fox
[B] “the biggest day for me to do witchcraft was on Halloween I did it I did it it was the highest level of witchcraft during those two days was in 24 hours I was up from 6 in the evening I was up on November the 1st past evening all the way to midnight doing witchcraft to people naked painted my body with demonic colors doing witchcraft and rituals on that say so you can’t tell me that day is make believe it might be make believe for you but you will pay the consequences later… we would talk all night conversation all night recipes all night rituals all night talk about new contracts (to demons)…”
(a testimony of a former high warlock (a high wizard in the occult) concerning what he did on Halloween)
from 1:46-2:27 "John Ramirez - Ex-Satanist Explains why you shouldn’t participate in Halloween, Now a Man of God" by Around The Way Tv on 9/27/2022
[C] “Halloween was a special time for me, as I was growing up in Clintonville, Wisconsin. I had given my heart and soul to that day called “Samhain” (pronounced Sow-en). I had learned that the pagan Sabot of Samhain was a time when the barrier between the mundane and astral planes was very thin and departed spirits easily crossed over…Halloween was my special time, when I felt drawn to become like my great grandmother (a high witch). I wasn’t interested in the silliness of the Catholic Halloween. I wanted real magic.”
(a testimony of a former wizard/fortuneteller concerning how he looked at (and what he did on) Halloween)
From Last Trumpet Ministries “HALLOWEEN AND THE OCCULT (A True Story)” by David J. Meyer
(a former high warlock (a high wizard in the occult) describing what he and other high witches and wizards had to do to sacrifice, cast spells, hexes, and speak to spirits: warning he describes very gory, nasty, and disturbing things that witches, and Wizards have to do: and they almost certainly do it on Halloween night!)
“We are so committed…to the demonic work of witchcraft…the animal blood the killings of animals screaming all night, drinking the blood…chopping the heads of goats and then licking the blood out of the goat’s head alive…Then cutting myself and you’re drinking my blood…then sit by the pot naked all night long speaking to the devil…the devil would show up in…the presence (form) of [a] monster…I would take human bones…from the cemetery…so I would take the human bones and make a contract with the cancer devil…”
From "Ex SATANIC high priest John Ramirez. MUST SEE!" by IsaiahSaldivar between part 16:32-18:90
(a former high warlock (a high wizard in the occult) revealing how much he and many other witches and wizards hated Christians and often would try to curse Christians on Halloween and even went as far as to say that Satan himself even takes this whole month of October to target the church and attack christians!)
“Let me just say something to you, the devil is after Christians the month of October…., the month of October was high season for me to attack Christians…that is the month…his arsenals…are aimed to the church of Jesus Christ, his arsenals are aimed to your family, his arsenals are aimed to your workplace, his arsenals are aimed to your purpose and destiny,…”
“What Does Halloween Mean To Us Christians? - John Ramirez” by Destiny Image on 2021 between 2:04-2:27
"You may think it's an innocent day, but as a person that was formally involved in witchcraft and satanic groups, I can witness to you firsthand, that the day is anything but innocent!"
From "Halloween" I saw the light ministries by Apostle Tim on 2008
“As a practicing witch, Halloween was one of the holidays, and still to this day you all, that witches look forward too; like Christians look forward to Resurrection Sunday and/or Christmas. It is a holiday where witches on October 31st of this year are going to be at high alert, all awake, all practicing the craft, casting spells, and they believe at that time that there is a veil that thins between the demonic realm/spirit world and the Earth realm….it’s a holiday for witches, it’s a holiday for satanic worshipers, They absolutely love this holiday.”
13:26-26:58 of “DARK TRUTH ABOUT HALLOWEEN!! My story from being an Ex-witch…” By Jenny Weaver Worships on 2022
Forbes Advisor "Expect Halloween Spike In Vandalism And Home Damage" by Jason Matz
FOX News “Ohio police make 'demented' discovery inside trick-or-treat candy: 'Take this seriously'” by Stephen Sorace on 11/1/2021
Don’t believe that “Is poisoned candy a real danger to trick-or-treaters?”
From the pamphlet “Halloween its true origin and meaning” Greater Love Ministries Falls Church Virginia.
As stated, before in source 3 A former high warlock that claims to have directly talked to Satan (named John Ramirez) describes Satan and demons as directly talking to him on Halloween and expected him to worship him on that night and recap how well he had been doing all that year (like a new year)